This sidetrack reached its planned total depth of 3,340m in the Miocene section and intersected 18.3m of net oil pay compared to the 34.4m intersected in the up dip CRD-1x well and 3.8m in the down dip CRD-2x well.

The sidetrack followed on from the CRD-2X well, which was drilled to a total depth of 3,785m and successfully tested gas and condensate in two reservoir zones in the Oligocene section.

The total net condensate/gas pay in this well was 72m compared with 17m of net pay penetrated in the Oligocene section in the up dip CRD-1x well.

The Ocean General drilling rig will now move to Indonesia to drill two exploration wells on the Tuna PSC, which is operated by the company, with the first results expected in May.

In Egypt, on the North Red Sea (NRS) block 1 license, the NRS-2a exploration well has reached a total depth of 5200m and is being plugged and abandoned.