
The company initiated the ESIA, which comprises a range of environmental monitoring programs, field surveys, ecosystem sensitivity assessments, socio-economic surveys and a detailed community and stakeholder engagement plan.

Under the Polish legislation, an ESIA must be completed to provide sufficient information to government authorities before awarding an environmental consent decision, which is a pre-requisite to the granting of a mining license.

Assessment will be conducted in parallel with Prairie Downs’ on-going drilling and mining permits at Lublin.
Prairie plans to complete a scoping study during the first half of this year.

The Lublin coal project area was subject to exploration activities undertaken by the Polish Government and its agencies during the 1970s and 1980s.

The activities included regional geological mapping and drilling programs, which indicated that the region is highly prospective and has the potential to host a large-scale thermal coal deposit.

Image: Project location map with adjacent Bogdanka Mine. Photo: courtesy of Prairie Downs Metals.