Areva has won two major contracts to build turnkey bioenergy power plants in Germany and Belgium, for a total amount of E30 million.

According to the company, Evonik New Energies, a utility company, has awarded Areva the construction contract for a biogas power plant in Kirchwalsede, Germany. Up to 30,000 tons of vegetable and animal residues will be used every year in a horizontal fermenter and a post-fermenter for the biogas production.

The biogas combined heat-and-power facility will generate in total 1.43MWe of electricity. In parallel, the heat produced will be used to power the fermenters and dry the digestates to produce fertilizer. Construction of the plant will be finalized in 2010.

The company said that, Intrinergy has selected a consortium comprising Areva and KEM, a Danish supplier of biomass technology, to supply a turnkey cogeneration biomass plant and wood pellet manufacturing facility in Belgium.
The power plant will produce up to 4.5MW of renewable electricity for the local grid, and approximately 8MW of process steam for a belt drier at the pellet manufacturing facility.

Recently, Areva and Siemens signed a contract agreement with the Russian Company Atomstroyexport (ASE) who will deliver two 1,000 MWe VVER-type Pressurized Water Reactors to the Bulgarian utility Nationalna Elektricheska Kompania (NEK).

According to the agreement, the consortium will deliver the safety-related part of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, the safety and the operational instrumentation and control (I&C) systems, electrical systems and components. It will further supply additional safety equipment such as hydrogen recombiners.

Commercial operation of the units is scheduled to start in 2014 and 2015, respectively.