The contract, which marks PS2 second project for the 2011 contract season, requires the company to treat up to 950 tonnes of PCB contaminated soil owned by a utility provider in Western Canada utilizing its treatment facility located in Wolseley, Saskatchewan.

The project scheduled to commence during the first week of January, PS2, in cooperation with the site contractor, will be transporting the entire volume of soil in specially designed Supersacks, creating a model of secure transport for other projects anticipated in 2011.

In September 2008, the federal government enacted new Federal PCB Regulations that mandate timelines for the removal and destruction of all PCB inventories including PCB impacted soil, which is harmful to human health and the environment.

Phase Separation Solutions president and CEO, Paul Antle said that the company is pleased to see its inventory building for winter operations and expect a busy 12 months to come with the second phase of the Federal PCB Regulations decommissioning deadline approaching at the end of 2011.