Under the INR3817m (€41m) contract, the company will supply more than 1,300 MiCOM P847 phasor measurement units (PMU), for collection of over 18,000 real-time synchronized measurements from 351 substations across the country.

In addition, the company will equip 34 control centers at existing National, Regional and State Load Dispatch sites with e-terraphasorpoint, a software solution that analyzes weak spots in the system in real-time.

The solution also detects evolving disturbances, and tap into latent electricity capacity across electrical transmission corridors, while providing actionable information to system operators to take timely decisions, such as to prevent blackouts.

Alstom Grid Power Electronics & Automation senior vice president Patrick Plas said the timeliness and quality of the data will provide control room operators with the smartest tool yet to optimize the existing grid assets.

”This will ensure reliability, and ultimately provide the highest availability of electricity to India’s citizens,” Plas added.