This plant has a capacity of 9.5MW and the report was prepared for the company by Tractebel Engineering.

Company management commented, "We remain confident that we will successfully complete our first small-hydro plant acquisition, and we continually seek opportunities to reach our goal of creating a portfolio of green energy projects. The results of this preliminary engineering report by Tractebel encourage us to continue the process of reviewing this second small-hydro plant as a potential acquisition."

The Company expects to receive the final Tractebel engineering due diligence report for this project shortly, which, if satisfactory to the company, will be followed by legal and accounting due diligence performed by the same teams that undertook this work for the company’s currently underway staggered acquisition of a 5.7MW small-hydro project in northern India.

Pan Global, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Pan Asia Infratech, is focused on environmentally sustainable energy, infrastructure and technologies. Our aim is to invest in green energy technology and infrastructure to build an inclusive green economy around the world.