Ford Motor’s goal is to work with leading utilities in the US to demonstrate plug-in hybrids, electric vehicle technologies and related power grid infrastructure. Ford Motor plans to leverage the stimulus funds to accelerate development of and placement of vehicles with participating utilities.

“Oncor Electric‘s advanced metering systems paired with a plug-in hybrid fleet could be the next great advance in automotive and utility technology applications. It could be the ‘ah ha!’ moment that changes conventional thinking. Add the opportunity to charge plug-in hybrids with wind power generated at night and delivered by a Renewable Energy Super Highway transmission system, and Texas is the best place in the nation to test this technology. Ford Motor’s proposal is very appealing. We’re pleased to be part of the application,” said Bob Shapard, Oncor Electric chairman and chief executive officer.

Oncor Electric committed to installing advanced metering systems, charging station technologies and to be responsible for other educational and reporting efforts.

Advanced metering systems make it possible to charge plug-in hybrids and electric vehicles off-peak when prices can be lower. Retail electric providers operating in Oncor Electric’s service area have the opportunity to provide savings through time-of-use rates to help consumers take advantage of electric vehicles. Shifting electric use to nighttime will enable better integration of wind energy into the Texas market.

By 2012, Oncor Electric will replace every meter in its system with advanced meter systems, one of the most aggressive deployments in the US. Oncor Electric expects to install almost 600,000 advanced meters by year-end.

Oncor Electric is a US-based electricity transmission and distribution company.