Under the contract, OM Rønning will provide services and support to Aptomar’s systems and products that are used at Goliat field.

Aptomar supports Eni Norge with marine surveillance and oil spill detection and management system for the Goliat field development.

Aptomar chief sales and marketing officer Lars Solberg said: "The contract with OM Rønning Skipselektronikk gives us a valuable physical presence in Hammerfest.

"This will provide even shorter response time and higher service levels if maintenance is required on our equipment onboard the Goliat FPSO, shuttle tankers, Goliat ERRV or PSV vessels in the area."

Aptomar and Eni Norge have created an emergency response management system for Goliat, which is the first floating production field development in the Barents Sea.

The emergency response management system focuses on rapid detection and controlled combating of a spill, in addition to protecting personnel and assets onboard and around the FPSO.

Aptomar’s field monitoring system on Goliat field allows complete surveillance coverage from the FPSO hull outwards.

The system detects small and large oil spills independent of light, wind and weather conditions, and estimates the relative thickness of a spill and its drifting path.