
The plant is located in Komatsushima-shi, Tokushima Prefecture, which is claimed to have the country’s highest annual sunshine hours.

It is operated by Nippon Paper Mega Solar Komatsushima, a joint venture between Nippon Paper Industries and Mitsubishi.

Shikoku Electric Power will buy the energy generated from the plant, which covers 250,000m² of area, under the country’s feed-in tariff (FiT) programme.

The 21MW plant is the second solar project developed by Nippon Paper’s solar power generation business. The first one is the 826kW Otake Mill photovoltaic system in Hiroshima Prefecture.

Nippon Paper said it is working to grow as a biomass company and is determined to remain focused on expanding the energy business as its new primary source of revenue by using management resources, including land and power generation facilities..

To date, Mitsubishi has developed a total of 140MW of solar plants in eight locations throughout Japan.

Mitsubishi said it will remain focused on addressing issues like the improvement of the energy self-sufficiency ratio and global warming via its renewable energy business.

Image: The 21MW solar plant is located in Komatsushima-shi, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. Photo: Courtesy of Mitsubishi Corporation.