The alliance selected AREVA’s prismatic core, 625 MW thermal, steam cycle modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor (SC-HTGR), AREVA’s HTGR Generation IV reactor.

AREVA Inc COO Mike Rencheck said that the alliance has selected the AREVA prismatic core, modular HTGR for the co-generation of process heat and electricity.

"The industrial end-user requirements have been the primary consideration for making this advanced technology selection over other small modular reactors. The co-generation aspects offer long term, predictable energy supply," said Rencheck.

Entergy Nuclear has applied for HTGR pre-application and licensing activities on behalf of the alliance in line with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s regulatory issue summary, 2011-02 Rev1 – "Licensing submittal information and design development activities for small modular reactor designs".

AREVA said it will work with the NGNP Industry Alliance to bring the SC-HTGR design to market in line with its initiative to expand the global use of CO2-free energy.