In its testimony before the Clean Environment Commission (CEC), MMF has urged the commission not to recommend the project until measures related to the facility’s effects including environmental, socio-economic and cultural effects on the Manitoba Metis community are addressed.

MMF presenters have testified before the CEC that the damage from past flooding still has negative effects today.

MMF claims Manitoba Hydro’s ongoing operation causing water levels in the rivers and lakes depended upon for Metis traditional use and commercial fishing varying widely and resulting in significant erosion and damage to the eco-system throughout the region.

MMF citizens and traditional resources users have also argued that the new project, proposed by Manitoba Hydro and four northern First Nations, will only intensify ongoing damage and destruction of the regional water system and ecosystems.

MMF presenters have also expressed their concerns that Manitoba Hydro’s projects will have spill-over effects on Thompson and the Bayline communities of Thicket Portage, Waboden and Pikwitonei.

They also expressed concerns that while mitigation measures and adverse effects agreements have been put in with First Nations in the region, the Metis community has not been included.

MMF president David Chartrand said Manitoba Hydro’s legacy of discrimination towards the Metis community continues as can be seen in the development of the Keeyask project and the Bipole III transmission line.

"Similar to how we have had to work through the courts in order to be vindicated with respect to our land claims and harvesting rights, it is very likely we will be back in the courts very soon to stop the injustices our people continue to face at the hands of Manitoba Hydro.

"Our likely upcoming court challenges will cause delays and uncertainty about the multi-billion dollar development plans being pushed through by the Manitoba Government and its agent – Manitoba Hydro – but we cannot allow for more damage and destruction to our people’s way of life in this province," added Chartrand.