During testing on a 32/64” choke, an eruptive flow rate of 1,600boepd of oil was recorded in the well.

This well, which is the fourth appraisal well on the OMOC-North field, has a total depth of 1,060m.

The first well OMOC-N-301 (1,600boepd during testing) had demonstrated the presence of a new compartment in the Gres de base, proving a Southeast extension of the Onal field.

The predominantly Gres de base wells (OMOC-N-301 and OMOC-N-302) could be linked up to the Onal evacuation facilities in December 2010 and connected to the production center by the end of the year, adding around 2,500boepd to current production levels.

The predominantly Kissenda wells, with OMOC-N-101 and OMOC-N-201 already drilled, as well as the OMOC-N-103 well, with drilling underway, and the OMOC-N-501 and OMOC-N-401 wells, to be drilled by the end of February 2011, will be connected up directly to the production center using an independent pipeline.