As part of the onshore works, the company will develop a 12km long buried cable between Thorntonloch Beach, East Lothian, where the subsea cable is planned to reach shore, and Crystal Rig onshore wind farm in the Lammermuir Hills, where the grid connection will be made.

Located off the coast of Fife, the Neart na Gaoithe wind power is anticipated to become operational by 2017. It will generate clean electricity enough to power around 325,000 homes in Edinburgh.

The consent also includes the construction of a substation at Crystal Rig onshore wind power facility. The onshore works will commence in 2014 and is slated for completion in 2016.

The onshore and offshore developments are accounted to be around £1.3bn and will create hundreds of direct and indirect jobs during construction and operation.

Commenting on the approval, Mainstream Renewable Power Scotland Offshore manager David Sweenie said the project will contribute to Scotland’s goal to achieve renewable energy generation by 2020.