“We are close to signing cooperation deals with Areva and GE,” a company official reported to Business Standard.

L&T has already signed cooperation agreements with the other three major reactor makers JSC Atomstroyexport, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC (Westinghouse) and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AEC).

India’s civil nuclear power programme is ready for a takeoff following India’s entry into the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) after a three-decade ban. The nuclear power programme offers an opportunity worth $60 billion for the global nuclear industry as India plans to add about 60,000 megawatt (MW) capacity by 2032.

India also planned to receive reactors for around 10,000 MW from the Westinghouse and GE-Hitachi, according to sources.

L&T hopes to get 20% or $7 billion of its future business from the power sector, will partner vendors to supply equipment and systems, valves, electrical and instrumentation, fabrication of structural and piping and construction of plants, besides regular spare sourcing and specialised post-installation support.