NAFTA Pila recently completed drilling the Lebien LE1 well and is currently drilling the Legowo LE1 well, both for Lane Energy Poland and ConocoPhillips.

These two wells are shale gas test wells located on concessions directly offsetting the company’s Saponis concessions.

Surface agreements have been secured for both the Wytowno S-1 and Lebork S-1 wells while the surface site construction is underway and once completed, mobilization and drilling will begin immediately upon the rig release from Lane Energy/ConocoPhillips.

LNG president and CEO Dave Afseth said that it will be utilizing the substantial shale gas drilling experience developed in the US for the Wytowno and Lebork wells, including securing proven oilfield equipment used in the North American drilling rig design to optimize operational practices.

"Once drilling is completed on these wells, we will be utilizing North American engineering for the fracture design to maximize the potential of this unconventional shale gas opportunity," Afseth said.