The Self-sustaining Living Module (SLiM) concept, designed to provide greater levels of self-sufficiency and habitability to support expeditionary bases, was developed for the US. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) in support of the Department of Defense initiative to modernize contingency basing.

NSRDEC, also known as Natick Labs, provides American forces with a wide range of field feeding and life support systems, clothing, precision airdrop systems, and ballistic, chemical, and laser protection systems.

"Leidos is proud to develop the SLiM project to provide energy efficiency operations and living capability for expeditionary forces to protect our soldiers and enhance their quality of life," said Sam Gordy, Leidos group president.

The rigid-walled, modular shelter system can be set up by soldiers without material handling equipment and includes energy efficiency systems that reduce water and fuel resupply needs. The SLiM system has several features that address expeditionary basing challenges including solar energy collection and microgrid power management, rainwater collection, water purification systems, and easy onsite setup and teardown.

With the capability of energy, water and waste management subsystems, each SLiM system can accommodate squad size units in remote combat outpost/patrol base environments.

During earlier concept development, Leidos engineers performed multiple studies and analyses and conducted mechanical modeling to validate the design. Under this contract, the Leidos team will continue the development of a detailed design; fabricate, assemble and perform acceptance testing of the prototype; and support a field demonstration experiment.