Stephen Booth, chairman of Ellel Parish Council, said: I’ve got mixed feelings about the proposal.”I support it on the grounds of the environment.

But on the other hand, I’d be bothered about the disruption caused to the community when they bring everything through the area and start having to build access roads.

It’s probably far enough away from houses not to cause too much of a problem, but I’d have to see the plans to be sure.

The university turbines would be a bit taller than the proposed turbines at Whit Moor, near Claughton, which could have a maximum height of 115 meters (377 feet) and which have obtained significant opposition from residents.

Lancaster University is one of only three out of 37 applicants to secure the money from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) GBP10 million Transformational Fund.

Steve Egan, deputy chief executive of HEFCE, said: Lancaster University’s proposals were exceptional. They presented a very thorough case for a project that could significantly reduce its emissions.

The university says it has already begun consultations with the domestic community. These will continue, with exhibitions also intended.