The new power plants will support the country to depend on the solar power for generation of over 50% of electricity needed by 2016.

Under the partnership, the government and private companies will be responsible for investing about 50% of the costs involved in setting up the plants.

Kenya Renewable Energy Association senior administrator Cliff Owiti said the move will protect the environment and bring down electricity costs.

"We hope that when the entire project is completed by 2016, more than 50% of Kenya’s energy production will consist of solar," Owiti added.

"Already we are witnessing solar investments in Kenya such as a factory that was opened here in 2011 that manufactures solar energy panels.

With high investments in solar, we will witness almost no blackouts and power charges will reduce because electricity will be in high supply."

Kenya is also planning to build a new windfarm near Lake Turkana in Africa that is expected to be operational by 2015.