This compares favorably with pre development expectations that artificial lift would be required to achieve 7,800 bopd gross.

The Jacky field has been developed with initially one production well tied back to the nearby Beatrice field facilities.

The current intention is to allow reservoir pressure to reduce over the next few weeks. This will allow start of artificial lift, which is expected to increase production rates further.

Co-venturers in Jacky are Ithaca Energy (UK) Ltd (67.275%) Dyas UK Limited (22.725%) and North Sea Energy (UK) Limited (10%).

John Woods (chief developments officer) said: “We are delighted that early production performance from Jacky has exceeded our expectations. It is great news that the well is able to flow for the time being at such high rates without artificial lift. This simplifies operations and the downhole pump can be used to increase and maintain Jacky production rates over the coming weeks.”