Over the first six months of 2016, Russia’s Chepetsky Mechanical Plant (CMP), part of the Fuel Company TVEL, made a net profit of RUB846m ($12.9m), 37.3% above target. “Besides production and sale of nuclear sector and general industry products, the additional profit was achieved by optimizing general economy expenses and the sale of non-related assets,” CMP said on 4 August. Total proceeds during the period were more than RUB5bn, up RUB440m year on year. In 2015 CMP’s net profit was RUB1.98bn and proceeds totalled RUB12.579bn. CMP is a world’s largest producers of zirconium items for the nuclear industry, as well as calcium metal and natural and depleted uranium products. CMP is setting up a metallurgical centre, which will unite all the metallurgical stages of TVEL. Uranium conversion operations have been transferred from CMP to Siberian Chemical Combine.