A licensor of refining and petrochemical process technology, Honeywell UOP will provide technology licenses, design services, key equipment, catalysts and adsorbents to create clean-burning fuels, paraxylene and propylene among other petrochemicals.

The new integrated refinery and petrochemicals plant is being constructed at Al-Zour, located south of Kuwait City.

Honeywell UOP process technology and equipment vice president and general manager John Gugel said: “When completed, this will be the largest integrated refinery and petrochemicals plant ever constructed in Kuwait.

"In addition to aromatics and propylene, the Euro-V fuels it will produce will be the cornerstone of Kuwait's clean fuels initiative."

The Al-Zour Refinery will be made up of an RFCC complex with ethylene and propylene recovery that will have a production capacity of 50,000 barrels per day (bpd). It will also feature a Honeywell UOP Selectfining unit with a production capacity of 24,000bpd of low-sulfur gasoline.

The complex will additionally have two Merox units from Honeywell UOP for the treatment of propane for propylene production, and isobutane to produce clean-fuels blending components. These would include MTBE produced by a UOP Ethermax unit.

A Butamer unit to produce isobutene through the conversion of normal butane to isobutene will also come up in the Al-Zour Refinery.

As part of its contract, Honeywell will also be responsible for a 66,000bpd CCR Platforming unit with a 74,000bpd naphtha hydrotreater to produce gasoline blend stock, along with an LD Parex aromatics complex to manufacture 1.4 million metric tons per year of paraxylene.

KIPIC is a newly formed subsidiary of Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) to handle refinery, petrochemicals and LNG import operations in the Al-Zour Refinery.