In March 2009, Green Star Products along with its International Consortium partner Global Green Cars had publicly tested its full electric vehicle version at tracks in Utah and Kentucky. Global Green Cars is a US and International Consortium of automobile companies and related supply companies which incorporates the company as an engineering and technology provider.

The previous public demonstrations included test drives for various people incorporating legislators, government officials, race car drivers and other interested parties.

Joseph LaStella, president of Green Star Products said, “This demonstration is the next in a series of public demonstrations on advanced electric powered and hybrid powered vehicles that the company intends to offer to the public in the near future in the $25,000 dollar price range.”

President Barack Obama’s New Energy for America program calls for installment of one million PHEVs by 2015, and on March 19, 2009, he announced programs directing $2.4 billion to electric vehicle development.

About PHEV:

The general public does not realize that the hybrid vehicles produced by the auto companies are not PHEVs. New hybrids have small battery packs and cannot be recharged from the utility grid system. Therefore, they have extremely limited range on their small battery packs and are usually only utilized at very low speeds (below 15 mph). Presently there are no PHEVs provided by any car company in the US.

The advantages of a PHEV with a larger battery pack with ranges up to 40 miles or more is that it gives you the ability to recharge this battery pack from the electric utility company at night, using inexpensive clean electrical energy which is abundantly available during night time hours.

Additional advantages of PHEVs are as follows:

Minimizes the use of foreign oil since the electricity in the US is primarily generated by domestic non-oil resources (97% by natural gas, hydro, coal, nuclear and other alternative energy sources);

Night time electric power is available from many renewable resources therefore minimizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Many utility companies, incorporating PG&E, are providing incentives for PHEVs to use inexpensive night time energy;

Using domestically produced energy also helps the US balance of payment deficit from oil producing nations and promotes US energy independence;

The US Department of Transportation (DOT) has anticipated that 85% of the vehicles in the US drive less than 30 miles per day. If these were PHEVs they would not use any petroleum fuels at all for these short trips.

There are over 20 international environmental organizations supporting PHEV incorporating World Wide Fund for Nature, National Wildlife Federation, Friends of the Earth, Alliance for Climate Protection, Set America Free Coalition and the Rainforest Action Network.

Green Star Products is focusing to replace in-city delivery trucks which are the highest polluting vehicles in use today. These delivery vehicles are in-city, slow moving, stop-and-go vehicles which do not travel more than 35 miles per day and pollute over any other vehicle on a per mile basis.

Green Star Products is not in competition with Toyota or any other major automobile manufacturer as it is targeting a different market. Toyota is currently planning to modify its Prius model to be a PHEV in the near future.

Green Star Products is US-based environmentally friendly public company involved in the production of renewable clean burning fuels.