Energy Solutions will provide private and public organisations with end-to-end technical and funding support that will enable them to take distributed energy and energy efficiency projects from the earliest phase of development through construction and into operations and management.

As part of Energy Solutions, GIG will offer a ‘pay-as-you-save’ Energy Services Agreement (ESA). This will enable businesses to benefit from a programme of investment in energy assets with no balance sheet impact. These assets can involve a diverse range of technologies including power generation, heating and cooling, controls and systems, batteries, transport fleets, and lighting.

Together, GIG and Macquarie have led over £15 billion of investment in the UK across a broad range of green technologies including energy efficiency, rooftop solar, smart meters and energy storage.

The UK Government is targeting improvements in energy efficiency by 20 per cent among UK business and industry by 2030 and collective savings of up to £6 billion over the same time period, as set out in the Clean Growth Strategy, published in October 2017.

Separately, Clean Growth, a report published recently by Policy Exchange and supported by GIG, identified access to capital as one of the biggest barriers to the widespread adoption of distributed energy and energy efficiency technologies in the UK.

Energy Solutions provides organisations with development expertise and a new source of capital to finance the types of investments that will be required to achieve these targets.

Bill Rogers, Head of Distributed Energy and Onshore Renewables, GIG, said:

Rising costs, technological advances and regulatory pressures are changing the way organisations think about their own energy productivity. By utilising the latest distributed energy and energy efficiency technologies, organisations can generate, store, use and actively manage energy more efficiently.

However, organisations are often faced with a choice between investing in new energy infrastructure or channelling available capital into core operations. Energy Solutions will design, fund and deliver an integrated programme of energy upgrades, assuming the key risks and expenditure involved. This will provide our clients with greater certainty and control over energy costs and help to increase business resilience and lower emissions without constraining their balance sheets.