GE will initially purchase 12,000 Chevrolet Volts from GM in 2011 and other EVs as they are launched in the years ahead by different manufacturers to replace at least half of its 30,000 global fleet with electric cars and will partner with fleet customers to deploy a total of 25,000 EVs by 2015.

In addition, GE is launching two EV customer experiences and learning centers in Michigan and Minnesota that will monitor vehicle performance, charging behaviors and driver experiences to offer customers, employees and researchers first-hand access to EVs and developing technologies.

GE, which offers a portfolio of products for the EV infrastructure development including EV charging stations and circuit protection equipment and transformers, is expected to generate $500m in electric vehicle-related revenue over the next three years.

GE chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt said that electric vehicle technology is real and ready for deployment and GE is embracing the transformation with partners like GM and its fleet customers.

“By electrifying our own fleet, we will accelerate the adoption curve, drive scale, and move electric vehicles from anticipation to action,” Immelt said.