Both SWD and DIW systems are used to separate oil, water and other byproducts produced in oil and gas operations.

ProWater president Keith Morlock said GE’s horizontal injection surface pumping systems, variable speed drives and logic control devices are well-suited for the construction of advanced Centerline SWD saltwater disposal systems.

GE’s horizontal surface pumping systems feature directly-coupled, multistage centrifugal pumps designed for high pressure, low- to- medium-flow, environmentally sensitive applications.

Used to inject produced saltwater into deep injection wells in conjunction with the Centerline SWD system, the SPS pumps have low maintenance requirements.

ProWater expects to deliver the first Centerline SWD system in North Dakota by the end of January 2012, with projected completion by March 2012.

The next three wells will be completed in June, September and November 2012, respectively.

In 2013, three additional wells will be completed, totaling seven in the North Dakota Bakken Shale.