BBC cited state-run Petrobras as saying that six of 74 workers who were on board the rig, located 40km off the coast, at the time of the explosion are still missing.

Sindepetro-ES, the union representing workers on the platform, finance director Davidson Lomba told Reuters that a gas leak on board the floating oil production, storage and offloading ship (FPSO), known as Cidade de São Mateus, has led to the accident.

Associated Press cited Brazilian government’s National Oil Agency as saying in an email statement that an investigation is underway to assess the explosion cause and ensured that no oil leaked due to the accident.

Brazil’s oil industry regulator, ANP said the FPSO, which is owned by Norway-listed ship leaser BW Offshore, is now stabilized, and oil and gas output has been stopped.

The Cidade Sao Mateus FPSO is capable of producing approximately 2.25 million cubic meters (88.3 million cubic feet) a day of natural gas and 350 cubic meters (2,200 barrels) a day of oil, according to ANP.

The accident comes amid the company’s crisis where last week Petrobras CEO and five senior executives have resigned following a corruption scandal in which officials, contractors and politicians were involved.