Under the agreement, EEPCo and SGCC will collaborate to construct a 1,136km long 500kV transmission line as part of the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) project.

The GERD project is expected to begin in two months, reported Xinhua.

The new GERD-Dedessa-Holeta will supply power generated from the future GERD hydroelectric power station through two 500kV double circuit transmission line to the new Dedessa and Holeta substations.

The generated power will also be transmitted through 400kV from Holeta to Sebeta II, Holeta to Sululta II, and Holeta to Akaki II existing substations.

EEPCo CEO Mihret Debebe said, "The project GRD is designed in such a way to supply power to the Ethiopian national grid, and the two corridors, especially the Southern Sudan corridor and the Northern Sudan corridor."