E.ON Ruhrgas has taken precautions in case less gas reaches Germany because of the restriction of Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine, as announced by Russian gas producer Gazprom following the dispute between the two countries.

According to E.ON Ruhrgas, the company receives gas from several sources apart from 26% of its total supply volume from Russia. It chiefly obtains gas from Norway, the Netherlands and locally from Germany. With this broad supply portfolio and its 12 operational gas storage facilities, E.ON Ruhrgas is reported to be in a position to ensure the supply of gas to its customers. Gazprom and Ukraine have not yet managed to settle their conflict over Russian gas deliveries to Ukraine, said the company.

The volumes that are intended for Germany and Europe, and pass through Ukraine are being made available by Russia without any changes. Most of the Russian gas destined for western Europe crosses Ukraine. The remaining volumes, which are not affected by the dispute, pass through Belarus and Poland.

Bernhard Reutersberg, CEO of E.ON Ruhrgas, said: “Even if the dispute escalates further, there will be no cuts for residential and commercial customers. At present, large customers are not affected either. If the supply restrictions prove to be serious and long-lasting and the winter turns out to be particularly cold, our means of offsetting the shortfalls will come up against limits.”