As per the contract, Harland and Wolff will work on the design and fabrication of the substation jacket sand piles which is likely to total 1,300t.

The jackets and piles are slated to be ready for installation by the first quarter of 2014, reported

The 219MW offshore wind farm, which is being built near the east Yorkshire coast, north of the river Humber, is expected to meet the power requirement of 170,000 households in UK upon completion.

E.ON project manager Matthew Swanwick remarked that the project marks a significant step in company’s commitment of delivering clean energy sources.

"Generating wind power out at sea is a real technical challenge, both during the construction and operational phases of projects, and that is why it so important to work with reliable and experienced fabricators," added Swanwick.

Harland and Wolff chief executive officer Robert J Cooper said: "Harland and Wolff enjoy a great working relationship with E.ON, having worked previously on the Robin Rigg offshore wind farm together. "

"We’re looking forward to continuing to develop this relationship," added Cooper.