“We selected EnerNOC as our commercial/industrial demand response provider for a variety of reasons, including its extensive experience working with utilities, its strong track record in ensuring customer satisfaction, and the technology it has created to make demand response easy for participating customers and reliable for us,” said Debbie Kimberly, manager of Energy Efficiency & Policy Analysis at SRP.

Under this contract with SRP, EnerNOC will manage a network of commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities that agree to reduce electricity usage during peak periods for up to 60 hours a year in exchange for year-round payments. EnerNOC installs its technology, free of charge at each participating site, and when SRP calls a demand response event; EnerNOC automatically communicates with each site to temporarily reduce non-essential energy usage and collects real-time data to verify that each site is achieving its energy reduction goals. EnerNOC’s automated demand response solutions have the ability to enable response to SRP’s calls for load reductions within ten minutes.

“Meeting future energy needs, while keeping our rates affordable and our customers satisfied are our top priorities, and demand response is a clean and powerful tool to help us meet those goals,” continued Kimberly.

“This is a great opportunity for businesses and organizations throughout SRP’s service territory to earn money by helping to make the power grid more efficient, which is particularly attractive during challenging economic times,” said EnerNOC chairman and chief executive officer, Tim Healy. “In addition, for SRP, demand response is a cost-effective alternative to relying on natural gas fired peaking power plants or buying electricity from third-party merchant suppliers, while ensuring high levels of system reliability and performance.”

SRP’s board of directors, which is publicly elected and has regulatory authority, has authorized the contract.

EnerNOC offers its demand response and energy efficiency programs throughout US in open markets such as New England, New York, PJM Interconnection, Texas, and California, as well as under bilateral agreements with utilities such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, Tampa Electric Company, and Public Service Company of New Mexico. EnerNOC’s patented automated demand response solutions help members of its network maximize demand reductions, associated energy savings, and revenue opportunities.