Enel said that the memorandums of understanding (MoUs) are an important step towards increasing the capacity of the Maritza East III power plant up to 1,500MW, and for developing the regional gas infrastructure by building a gas pipeline along the ‘Corridor 8’ linking Bulgaria to Italy.

The MoU between NEK and Enel is for a pre-feasibility study of technical and economic analysis and justification of the possibility for construction of additional generating capacity of 640MW at the Maritza East III thermal power plant site; and subsequent signing of an agreement for a joint project development.

According to Enel, the future project investment will be of about E900 million. The additional 640MW capacity will be installed next to the existing units, which are jointly owned by Enel and NEK.

The MoU between Enel and Bulgargaz, meanwhile, is for the joint development of a gas pipeline interconnection between Bulgaria and Italy through Macedonia and Albania along Corridor 8.