Starting next autumn, the new meter will be installed in 32 million homes and businesses in Italy, and will replace the first generation electronic meter, which in turn took the place of the old electromechanical device starting in 2001.

Enel Open Meter was presented by Livio Gallo, head of Enel’s Global Infrastructure and Networks Division, and Michele De Lucchi, one of Italy’s most renowned architects and designers, who conceived Enel’s first electronic meter 15 years ago and, today, has produced the second generation.

"Enel Open Meter has a linear and straightforward design in all its basic elements, such as the switch and the display, reflecting its accuracy and reliability", says Livio Gallo. "The new meter merges quality of service with technological innovation and enables smart homes for our customers".

"For a designer, a meter is a very special project", remarked Michele De Lucchi, "because it is an object that will represent the company for years and acts as an interface with customers. In addition to its technical functionality, its symbolic power is a key aspect. And designing long-lasting objects is a major challenge. That’s why I also drew on the support of a team of young designers and their fresh sensitivity in order to apprehend the needs of the community".

The second generation meter is the result of a process that reflects recent developments in the market and technology in the field of metering and remote management. Enel Open Meter complies with the specifications for new meters set out in Resolution no. 87/2016 of the Italian Authority for Electricity, Gas and the Water System, which also established a set of performance indicators.

The innovative features of the new smart meter include faster changes of supply, the elimination of fixed time bands and the availability of data on electricity use for greater savings. The measurement of customer data every 15 minutes, for example, provides a much more timely picture of daily power use and the consumption behaviour of customers, who are increasingly aware of how they use electricity and alert to opportunities for achieving greater energy efficiency.

The Triennale di Milano, which returns with a great International Exhibition after a 20-year hiatus, will also host the Enel exhibition "Seeing the invisible. The forms of energy", a space to recount the journey that prompted the company to change its logo and develop the new Enel Open Meter.

The identity of one of the companies with the deepest roots in the daily life of Italians since the 1960s is changing. The way to communicate innovation is changing. The electricity measurement tools are also changing.

The exhibition-installation, which retraces fifty years of the company’s history, explores the relationship between industry, art and society, and recounts the process of transformation induced by new technologies and the need to experiment with an eye toward the future and the beautiful.

From the Bakelite of the first meters in 1962 to the Open Meter designed by Michele De Lucchi in 2016. From the English cursive of the first logo to the new dynamic identity from the Wolff Olins studio. "Seeing the invisible. The forms of energy" showcases more than half a century of the history of a company that has long been a presence in the homes of all Italians.