The 182km pipeline will transport crude oil production to Enbridge’s mainline hub at Hardisty, Alberta.

The National Energy Board (NEB) has recommended the federal government to approve the project.

NEB reviewed the project based on the evidences provided by landowners and Aboriginal groups and included certain conditions to be complied by Enbridge in case the project receives approval.

Conditions include Enbridge providing copies of its safety programs and manuals, traditional land use investigations, an updated Weed and Clubroot Management Plan, and a post-construction monitoring report.

In addition, the board approved the construction and operation of a new initiating pump station at Enbridge’s Edmonton Terminal, exisiting Kingman and Strome stations.

The company will also build associated facilities and infrastructure at its Edmonton and Hardisty Terminals.

NEB’s approvals will be valid only if the project secures approval from the Governor in Council. Te board will then award a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, as well as an Order for the Associated Facilities.