The team will offer real world technical input and sophisticated tank testing capability to the applicants for latest Wave Energy Scotland (WES) funding call for energy converter concepts.

The Scottish Government-backed WES’ stage one call will offer £2.4m funds to eight selected concepts.

EMEC commercial director Oliver Wragg said: "EMEC provided a lot of dedicated technical input and support to developers in the previous Wave Energy Scotland call for power take-off systems specifically in the area of test result verification, and we’re keen to provide developers with the support they need to submit a successful bid in this round of applications."

Each of the selected projects will receive up to £300,000 funding, and will be evaluated at the FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility.

The shortlisted devices will enter into the stage two followed by stage three, which will see installation of a scaled prototype at an offshore test berth in Scottish waters.

FloWave CEO Stuart Brown said: "By ensuring that tank testing reflects real world conditions to the greatest extent possible, and in particular the actual EMEC sites where devices are likely to be deployed in the later stages of development, FloWave and EMEC can jointly offer a clear route ‘from the lab to the ocean’ for any new technology."