China crossed a tipping point in 2013, installing more renewable energy (~60%) than fossil fuel and nuclear generation combined, making it the largest renewable energy market in the world.

China now generates more green electricity (1 trillion kilowatt hours/year) than the total electricity generated by the combined power systems (coal, nuclear and renewables) of France and Germany.

According to Mathews and Hao Tan, electricity from renewable energy resources in China represented approximately 20% of total electricity from all source in 2013. The official target is to have 30% of all electricity generated by renewable energy by 2020: – a goal that now seems very achievable.

"This growth trajectory will drive demand for energy storage for the same reasons that the high penetration of wind and solar is driving demand in Germany. Specialized power electronics performing power management and providing seamless connectivity to the power grid are critical to every system."

"In less than a year, Eguana has emerged as the technology leader in storage electronics, and we have had multiple enquiries in the past few months from Chinese firms about gaining access to the Bi-Direx technology. These new patents will allow us to engage with these companies with greater confidence," said Michael Carten CEO of Eguana Technologies.

Eguana’s patents are originally issued by the US Patent Office and filed as standard procedure in all the leading potential markets under the Patent Co-operation Treaty.