Eqypt, Ethiopia and Sudan have signed a ‘Declaration of Principles’ regarding development of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) in Ethiopia.

The declaration will act as a foundation on which Ethiopia will build agreement with both Eqypt and Sudan, Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn has said.

Further agreements are expected to address cooperation between the three countries, and identify mutual gains. They will also address water interests.

This 6000MW project – previously named the Millenium scheme – is being built on the River Abbay (the Blue Nile) and will feature one of Africa’s largest dams, a 1.8km long, 170m high RCC structure. The project will feature 16 x 375MW turbines.

In October last year, developers Ethiopia Electric Power announced that the scheme as a whole was 40% complete.

When finished, the project will supply much-needed power to Ethiopia and its neighboring countries in the region and contribute to overall development in the region.