National Grid is an international electricity and gas company based in the UK and North East United States. National Grid plays a vital role in connecting millions of people safely, reliably and efficiently to the energy they use. National Grid employs 8,900 people in their gas and transmission business, operate 7,660 km of high pressure pipeline in the UK and are connected to 10.9 million customers in their gas distribution network.
This Orbital project involves the upgrade of critical analytical equipment at a major gas transmission terminal within the UK. This equipment determines whether the natural gas quality meets the legal limits set out by the UK Health and Safety Executive and can therefore enter the UK National Transmission System.
Orbital’s UK Sales Director, Neil Stuchbury, commented, "This is an example of how industry leaders such as National Grid choose to trust Orbital with critical assets. This site in particular manages a large portion of the gas demand within the UK and is therefore of Strategic National Importance."
CUI Global’s president & CEO, William Clough, added, "Award of this project to Orbital continues our partnerships with large, highly-respected natural gas companies in regard to operating their most important facilities. This latest project displays our continued commitment to assist with critical national infrastructure and will be a part of our growing success for many years to come."