Work will involve carrying out feasibility studies, together with preparation of the detailed design, tender documents and PC-I for the upgrading and modernization of the project on the River Kabul.
The Warsak project was originally completed in two phases and was financed by the Canadian Government. The first phase, completed in 1960, consisted of construction of a dam, irrigation tunnels and installation of 4x40MW power generating units, together with a 132KV transmission system. Two additional generating units each of 41.48MW capacity were added in 1980-81 in the 2nd phase, increasing the total installed capacity of the station to 243MW. The basic objective of the proposed feasibility study is to determine the most viable options to ensure the six generating units continue to operate for a further 40-50 years.
Under the project, the required Consultancy Services will comprise of four areas with regards to the feasibility study and preparation of the detailed design and tender documents: (I) Rehabilitation Works related to E&M Equipment of Generating Units (II) Rehabilitation Works related to Civil Structures (III) Sedimentation Management Studies and (IV) Preparation of PC-I of the Project.
The total duration of consultancy services will be approximately 12 months from the date of commencement, including four months for feasibility studies and eight months for preparation of the detailed design, tender documents and PC-I.
The intention of this EOI invitation is to shortlist suitable consultants/JVs from which the proposals will be invited. The JVs should not comprise of more than four firms.
Interested local consulting firms/JVs registered with the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and foreign consultancy firms / JVs are invited to submit the EOI’s in sealed envelopes (three copies). The EOI document can be purchased from the office of General Manager (Hydel) WAPDA, WAPDA House, Lahore from 19 October 2009 to 3 November 2009 on payment of Rs.1000 (Non-refundable) in the shape of Pay Order/Bank Draft in favour of Manager Finance (Hydel) WAPDA, Lahore payable at Habib Bank Limited, Gardee Square Branch, Lahore Account No.1303-59.
Interested firms are advised to address their submissions or enquiries , if any, to the
General Manager (Hydel)
186-WAPDA House, Lahore.
Tel: (+92-42) 9202288
Fax: (+92-42) 9202159
The last date for submission of EOIs is 4 December 2009 up to 14.00 hours.