The two solar plants with consolidated power capacity of 3.3MW are being developed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Seseña in Canary Islands with Conergy’s partner Prosolia being the promoter and general contractor.

Prosolia managing director José Luis Gandia stated that the company had a stiff deadline of three weeks to complete the construction given the legal regulation of the feed-in tariff regime.

"Therefore, we had to work very efficiently. With our partner Conergy we were able to perfectly coordinate and plan the exact arrival of the components in order to execute the installation on time," added Gandia.

Conergy Spain managing director Luis Jiménez Gutierrez noted, "Both of the rooftop installations currently receive a feed-in tariff, but we are well prepared for the time when these payments come to an end."

Following the completion of installations by the end of March 2013, the two plants will produce 5,000MWh of clean solar energy per year facilitating 1,400 households in the region.