East Texas Bossier

The well was drilled to the Deep Bossier formation, and completed in the middle Bossier sands. Clayton Williams Energy is now flow testing the well to determine if the well is capable of producing hydrocarbons in commercial quantities. So far, the company has incurred drilling and completion costs of about $17.7 million on this well (100% working interest).

After drilling to a depth of about 12,500 feet, an effort was made to run intermediate casing. During that operation, the casing became stuck in the well bore at about 7,000 feet, and consequent attempts to free it from the well bore failed.

Clayton Williams Energy has moved the drilling rig about 20 feet north to the existing location and is drilling the Miami Corp. #2 as a replacement well. The company has altered the drilling plan to address the problems encountered in the first well, and will target the same formation in the lower Miocene sands at an estimated depth of 17,500 feet. The company approximates that the combined drilling cost of both wells will be about $15 million (net to the company’s interest). Clayton Williams Energy and BP America Production Company will each own a 50% working interest in any production established by this well.