The phase two of the plan also includes holding a public forum to present the results of PGAIR’s research.
Environment Minister Barry Penner, said “Improving air quality in communities across the province is one of our greatest priorities. By supporting local air quality initiatives, we are trying to find effective solutions that meet the needs of individual communities.”
“The Prince George Air Improvement Roundtable is working with our government to ensure that Prince George has the best possible air quality, and this funding will help them make further progress,” said Pat Bell, MLA for Prince George North.
PGAIR’s mandate is to improve air quality in Prince George by using science-based decision-making to identify significant emissions sources for reduction.
“Having clean air is important to all of us. As a province, we are committed to working in partnership to ensure improved air quality for northern residents,” said Shirley Bond, MLA for Prince George-Mount Robson. “We are making progress, and these funds will help the improvement continue.”
“We have been working closely with the citizens in our community to address air quality issues, and our government believes PGAIR has a very important role to play,” said Prince George-Omineca MLA John Rustad.
“It’s important that we continue to support the work of the roundtable as it makes real progress in addressing air quality issues in the Prince George area,” said Mary Polack, Minister of Healthy Living and Sport.
The Prince George Air Improvement Roundtable is a collaborative, community-based organization that includes representatives from government, industry, First Nations, community groups, the general public and the University of Northern British Columbia.