Dutch civil engineering firm Ballast Nedam has signed a contract with Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi for the civil, structural and architectural work for the gas-fired part of the Nuon Magnum power plant in Eemshaven, Groningen.

With a capacity of 1,300MW, the Nuon Magnum plant will provide energy for over two million households, according to Ballast Nedam.

The contract includes temporary facilities, the concrete foundation, steel construction, as well as design and construction of the entire cooling-water circuit.

The total revenue for Ballast Nedam Infra in this project is estimated to be approximately E170 million with a construction schedule of about three years.

This project reportedly fits Ballast Nedam’s strategy to increasingly concentrate on niche markets, including industrial construction. Ballast Nedam and Mitsubishi Corporation have already worked together on several power plants in the past.