Logs were completed showing that the well intersected the Big Lime Formation between 906ft and 962ft and the Oswego Lime Formation between 1,082ft and 1,120ft. The Big Lime Formation contains 16ft of net pay, with an additional 14ft net pay present in the Oswego Lime Formation.

The well has been cased and will be completed for oil and gas production.

Dan Lanskey, managing director of AusTex Oil, said: “This well was drilled 50ft to the west of the Mayo Moore #5 Well, which is producing oil and gas from the deeper Redfork Formation. We are now set to produce from five separate conventional formations on the lease.

“There are also coal seams and shale formations present in each well that are being produced in the north of Tulsa county. Permits for further development wells are in hand and we will continue drilling over the coming months.”

AusTex Oil holds a 100% working interest and 81.25% net revenue interest in this project.