As per the contract, Amec will carry out the FEED for the transportation element of the CCS project, which is being undertaken by a consortium consisting of Scottish Power, Shell and National Grid Carbon to whom Amec is directly contracted.

The project will capture more than two million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year from the power station and transport it for storage under the North Sea, which is part of the UK Government’s carbon capture and storage competition in which 300MW of power must incorporate CCS by 2014.

The bulk of this project will be funded by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

Amec’s study will look at the three elements of the transportation of the carbon dioxide that comprises of a new pipeline, conversion of Feeder 10 pipeline and the compressor station design at St Fergus, which fall within National Grid’s responsibility to the consortium.

Amec will evaluate a new gas compressor station, reuse of 250km of existing natural gas pipeline and 21km of new pipeline.

In addition, the study also includes design work, plant selection, environmental impact assessments, health and safety assessments and costing.