A total of 12 spodumene-bearing samples were taken from various locations and submitted to ALS Chemex for assay.
Alix Resources claims are located near the past producing Quebec Lithium Mine which was recently purchased by the Chinese based Jilin Jien Nickel Industry Co.
Mike England, President and CEO of Alix Resources Corp. commented: "I am excited to see a producer coming back to this region. Jilin’s acquisition of the Quebec Lithium Mine assets will likely cause increased exploration activity in the area.
"Alix was there before this acquisition and I believe has secured the best ground in the region for lithium exploration and discovery. I am looking forward to report the results of our assay program and to further explore the lithium potential of our Preissac-Lacorne lithium properties."
The core of the claim group is located 40 km northeast of the mining town of Val d’Or. The recorded mineral claims extend 30 km east-west by 15 km north-south.
The properties are accessible by a network of paved roads connecting to the main 117 Highway linking Val d’Or to Rouyn-Noranda.
The region holds several precious and base metals mines and possesses all the infrastructures and workforce necessary to support a mining operation.