The agreement outlines the potential areas of research such as processing of water, developing the next generation of desalination technology including renewable energy technology, desalination through membranes, including the development of new membranes, advanced and non-traditional water processing technologies, developing current desalination technologies such as heat, membrane and environmental matters.

The varsity will work with the utility and its affiliates such as National Energy and Water Research Center (NEWRC), ADWEA Academy and ADWEA Scholarship Program and will also pave way for educational courses for internal and external stakeholders.

Masdar Institute executive committee of the board of trustee’s chairman Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber remarked that access to live data and information sharing between the two organizations will enable researchers to conduct studies on production and consumption patterns aimed at improving water and energy efficiency.

ADWEA chairman’s office director-general Abdulla Saif Al Nuaimi added, "Our programs and initiatives focus on sustainability and plan for growth, whilst ensuring economic and environmental balance."

A joint steering committee comprising representatives from ADWEA and Masdar Institute will oversee the implementation of the measures stipulated under the agreement.