Under the $10m order received from the Icelandic transmission system operator Landsnet, the company will supply power equipment that will transport electricity from the mainland to the volcanic island of Heimaey.

In addition to replacing existing cable that approaches expiry, the new 72kV cable system will increase the transmission capacity of the existing power link.

The development will help ensure reliable electricity supply to the island’s 4,100 inhabitants and the profit-making fishing industry.

ABB will provide 17.5km-long high-voltage cable system, including a 13km submarine section, a 4.5km underground section, and an integrated fiber-optic cable.

The company will also oversee design, engineering, submarine cable laying, joints and terminations, testing and commissioning.

ABB Power Systems division head Brice Koch said, "ABB’s high-voltage cable system will help to serve this island community with a reliable supply of electric power from the mainland grid."