The new 1,100kV converter transformer technology will enable the transmission of over 10,000MW of electricity for over 3,000km of distance.

The high voltage direct current (HDVC) technology supports higher voltage levels to transport large amount of electricity covering farther distance and with minimum energy loss.

ABB Power Products division head Bernhard Jucker said, "This new 1,100 kV transformer technology will make it possible to transmit even more electricity efficiently and reliably, at higher voltage levels, across greater distances with minimum losses."

The company faced many technological challenges during the development of the converter transformer such as the size, scale, electrical insulation including bushings and thermal performance parameters.

The converter transformers serve as an interface between the direct current link and the alternate current network in HVDC transmission.

Transformers are integral components of an electrical grid, and essential for the efficient and safe conversion of electricity between different voltage systems.