This arrangement is part of Gasum’s strategy of focusing on the development of the gas market and energy infrastructure in the Nordic countries. The transaction is expected to be closed by the end of February 2019.

The acquisition will make Gasum Tekniikka part of the Viafin Service Group.

”It’s great to carry out this transaction with Viafin Service, an experienced maintenance service specialist with a focus on expanding maintenance and related services at the core of its strategy. This transaction enables us to ensure service quality, and we’ll continue to buy services from the company in the future, too. We both share the aim of maintaining and development technical competencies, high work quality and cost-effective operations in the gas sector,” says Gasum CEO Johanna Lamminen.

Gasum Tekniikka specializes in maintenance and service measures relating to natural gas, biogas and liquefied natural gas (LNG) usage solutions. The company offers services covering the entire lifecycle of gas systems from initial review to more specific determination and design, construction and installation as well as commissioning and maintenance work.

Gasum Tekniikka will continue service provision to current and new customers as part of the Viafin Service Group. Viafin Service is a company specialized in industrial maintenance and in repair, maintenance and installation of piping and equipment.

Source: Company Press Releases