Gazpromneft-GEO, a subsidiary of Gazprom Neft, has drilled second horizontal well at the Ignyalinskoye field in the Irkutsk Oblast, Russia.

The Ignyalinskoye oil and gas condensate field, which forms part of the Chonsky project, is located within the licence block of the same name in the Katangsky District of the Irkutsk Region.

The firm reported the commercial inflow at the second well is more than double the flow rate at the first well which was constructed in 2018, enhancing the commercial outlook of the project.

It plans to commence pilot development of the project to develop the Chonsky fields in 2020.

Drilled at the Ignyalinsky license block, the second horizontal well was drilled during work on preparing reserves at the Chonsky group of fields for development and follows completion of extensive analysis of large seismic data.

Commercial oil inflows of more than 250 tonnes per day were reported following ten-stage hydraulic fracking which is more than twice the flow-rate achieved at the first well, the firm noted.

In a statement, Gazprom said: “The outcomes of drilling the new well confirm the effectiveness of the approaches chosen in developing the Ignyalinskoye oil and gas condensate field, as well as the commercial outlook for the Chonsky project.”

Gazprom Neft, in partnership with Schlumberger, had considered specific features and historic technological development of the oil-bearing region initially to develop a elocity-depth model of the Ignyalinsky block.

Gazprom seeks to develop seismic model of carbonate formations at all assets

Gazprom is now considering developing a seismic model of carbonate formations at all assets involved in the Chonsky project, as well as a model of terrigenous strata at the Tympuchikansky and Vakunaysky blocks.

Gazprom Neft first deputy CEO Vadim Yakovlev said: “Eastern Siberia is a strategic area in Gazprom Neft’s business development, and developing the Chonsky fields — where reserves in place stand at more than one billion tonnes of oil — is one of the company’s key projects here.

“Obtaining the second commercial inflow here confirms the economic viability of this project. Geological information collected over the past few years has allowed us to get the complete picture on the Chonsky blocks, and we plan to start pilot development as soon as 2020.”